Thank you, Tom Milone, Joe Pais, Robert Cintron and the CRB for taking the action you did to involve the DOJ in the Charles Eimers case and the Matthew Murphy case!

by Naja Girard… UNANIMOUS! REQUEST FOR DOJ TO STEP IN ON EIMERS CASE / BOARD WILL PROBE DEEPER INTO TASING OF MATTHEW SHAUN MURPHY “Garbage in. Garbage out.” That’s how Tom Milone, Vice-Chairman of the Citizen Review Board [CRB], described the concept of the Board relying on investigative reports furnished by KWPD, FDLE, and SAO [State Attorney’s Office] when it Read More…
Nina Newton Sings “I Can’t Breathe”

KWPD Chief Donie Lee published the department’s Internal Affairs review of Charles Eimers’ in-custody death on Monday. Officers were found to have acted professionally while using techniques that are proper for “actively resisting subjects.” “I thought denial was a river in Egypt. Now we learn it is an island at the end of U.S. 1.” [Citizen’s Read More…
Internal Affairs: Officer Gets 5 Day Suspension For “Lying” About Killing Charles Eimers

by Naja and Arnaud Girard KWPD Chief Donie Lee published the department’s Internal Affairs review of Charles Eimers’ in-custody death on Monday. Officers were found to have acted professionally while using techniques that are proper for “actively resisting subjects.” “I thought denial was a river in Egypt. Now we learn it is an island at the Read More…

According to KWPD there was no Taser fired during the fatal arrest of Charles Eimers on Thanksgiving Day of last year. But after a few months of forensic clean-up and enhancement by the Eimers family’s legal team, Officer Lovette’s infamous taser recording speaks again and it’s not pretty: Officer Lovette: “Listen. I tased a motherf***er Read More…
Eimers Grand Jury Investigation: FBI Helped State Attorney Booby Trap Her Own Case

VIDEO: KEY WEST’S LACK OF EMPATHY IN STARK CONTRAST WITH NY AND FERGUSON by Naja and Arnaud Girard FBI HELPED STATE ATTORNEY BOOBY TRAP HER OWN CASE “It’s a very painful day for so many New Yorkers,” said New York City’s Mayor, Bill de Blasio last Wednesday following the Grand Jury’s decision not to indict Read More…
DEATH IN PARADISE: Charles Eimers Memorial, A Year Later

CANDLELIGHT VIGIL ON SOUTH BEACH FOR CHARLES EIMERS A hundred or so Key Westers gathered on Thanksgiving night on South Beach for the anniversary of Charles Eimers’ death. Tourist for a day, Mr. Eimers met with a controversial death on November 28th of last year within 24 hours of his arrival in Key West. “I Read More…
NOWHERE TO RUN: New Video Devastating to KWPD Credibility

by Naja and Arnaud Girard A wrecking ball crashed through the City’s defense to the Eimers police brutality case on Friday. At a scheduled deposition Chief Lee was expected to provide bureaucratic information about the City’s procedures and policies in the wrongful death case filed by the Eimers family against the City of Key West Read More…
Kathy Smith, FDLE’s Lead Investigator in the Eimers Investigation Put on Administrative Leave

FDLE Special Agent Kathy Smith was escorted out of her Marathon office on Wednesday. She has reportedly been put on paid administrative leave pending investigation of mortgage fraud. The Blue Paper reported last week that Agent Kathy Smith and her ex-husband Scott Smith [at the time a Police Captain employed by KWPD] appear to have Read More…